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Article: Why is a measure of whisky called a dram?

Why is a measure of whisky called a dram?

Why is a measure of whisky called a dram?

There are lots of names for a measure of whisky. They include: a nip, a toot, a tot, a snifter, and a wee dram. But the most common name for a measure of whisky is a dram. What does that name mean? And how big is a dram? In this article we're going to take a closer look, while sipping on an... ahem, you get our drift.

What is the official dram definition?

Oxford's dram definition is: "a small drink of whisky or other spirits". Similarly, The Cambridge English Dictionary defines a dram as: "a small amount of a strong alcoholic drink, especially whisky". Both dram definitions are simple, but lack detail. If we look at Merriam-Websiter dictionary, their dram definition is definitely more detailed. They say: "a unit of weight in the apothecaries' system equal to one eighth of an ounce". 

But, let's look a little deeper, while drinking a dram.

Where does the word dram come from?

If we look back at the history of Ancient Greece we can find the word 'drackhme'. In the Ancient Greek language this meant coins. You can find the term in the bible, where it meant a unit of treasure. As the Roman's took over the Greek empire, 'drackhme' became 'dragma' in Latin. As the word went through Old French, and then into Old English, it evolved further. During this time the word meant the physical weight of an object. Finally, the shortened and Anglicised word "dram" started meaning a measure of whisky.

Shakespeare's favourite drink was scotch

OK, we may have made that fun fact up. But the word dram appears in Romeo and Juliet. Romeo says "Let me have a dram of poison. Such soon-speeding gear as will disperse itself through all the veins. That the life-weary take may fall dead." Here we can see the term dram, which was one-eight of an ounce, used for something that was being drunk. Please don't drink poison, though.

If we look at the 'modern translation' in No Fear, Shakespeare translates that line into "Let me have a shot of poison." So, again the language is becoming closer to what we may recognise today.

How big is a dram of whisky?

So, enough of the history. How much is in a dram of whisky? Well, it does depend on who is pouring the whiskies. You can have a 'house dram', which can be as large as you like.

Now, I have heard that a dram is the amount of whisky that can fill someone’s mouth. But, this definition is subjective and inadequate. Although somehow it sounds less disgusting than drinking by the gill, which is how we used to drink in the UK.

A gill was a useless measure because it was too small for beer and too large for a whisky. Whiskey came in a sixth, a fifth or a quarter of a gill (or 23.7, 28.4, 35.5 in ml). There could be regional variations in dram size. The amount usually becoming bigger the closer the drinker was to London.

In the 1970s, Ireland and the UK chose to adopt the metric system and spirits came in millilitres. In Ireland, a standard dram remained at 35.5ml (the same as a quarter gill). In the UK, publicans can choose whether to serve a dram of either 25ml or 35ml.

Some people to say 25ml should be a ‘dram’ or 'wee dram', and 35ml should be a ‘large dram’. But there isn’t an official definition of a dram in the UK.

Why is a measure of whisky called a dram, what does that name mean?

Dram meaning in the United States of America

The United States Customary System do define a dram in the US. This system sets the definitions for length, size and volume units like foot, acre and cubic inch. Interestingly the drams meaning in America relates to the apothecaries’ system, you can read more about the health benefits of whisky here.

But, for most whisky drinkers, it’s not a useful definition. It refers to one-eight of a fluid ounce, less than a teaspoon. Hardly enough whisky to get the sides of your glass wet. If you’re having even a modest whisky, you’d have 10 drams, and a cocktail might have as many as 16 drams.

In the UK, we could revert to DrinkAware says that 25ml of 40% ABV whisky is 1 unit so that a dram meaning could be 1 unit of alcohol. But, 25ml of 48% ABV whisky is, according to DrinkAware 1.2 units of alcohol. So that’s not a good meaning of a dram either.

How many drams of whisky are there in a bottle?

The standard size of a bottle of whisky in the UK, and most of the world, is 700ml. If you're measuring a dram, or wee dram, at 25ml then there are 28 whisky drams in a bottle. If you're measuring larger drams at 35ml, then there are 20 large whisky drams in a standard bottle.

In the US, whiskey bottles are 750ml. So that makes 30 drams of whiskey at 25ml a dram. Or, 21.4 drams of whiskey at 35ml a dram.

But remember folk, enjoy your dram drinking responsibly. It's about quality, not quantity.

What does dramming mean?

Dramming is the act of drinking a dram. It's an endearing term whisky fans using while enjoying whisky drams with one another. Often, conversation while dramming will turn to the drams themselves. People will share their thoughts, or tasting notes, on the whisky drams.

So, why is it called a dram of whiskey?

Let's recap: The word ‘dram’ comes from the Ancient Greek Word 'drackhme’. The term referred to coins and appeared in the bible to mean a unit of treasure. Drackhme evolved into Latin, Old French and Old English. Finally, it entered the modern lexicon. No one is sure exactly when it started meaning whisky, rather than medicine. But I like to think that whisky is medicine. So, let’s say that’s how it made the change. The amount of whiskey in a dram isn’t defined, but we can all agree that the first pour is hardly ever enough.

So, whatever you're dramming. Whether it's a small dram, or a double measure. A nip, a toot, a tot, a snifter, or a wee dram. We're raising a glass of scotch to you all - happy dram drinking!

Slainte, Evan

Further reading

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A gill is a quarter of a pint (UK), or 5 fl oz. However, in the north of the UK (North East England and Scotland), a gill of beer was actually a half a Uk pint (10 fl oz).

John Kitchen

The Scots call it ‘The water of life’ and it’s certainly that.

Bryan Howard

Thank you very much from a wee drammer from way back. I now know that whatever sized pour makes me happy is a dram of finely crafted whisky, regardless of its volume.

David McCallum

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